Damaged frames is an anti-gram imperfect collection of photographs taken from my life, mostly shot on film (or early digital cameras) never shot on a phone, no filters, no social, a scrappy scrap book, of scrappy pictures, torn from life, or sometimes just torn and damaged as they’ve been in my collection so long ( I got interested in photography at 12 – I’m 50+ now).
Some of the pictures are beautiful or the people in them are, but they’re not perfect, or pretend to be.
As I reset up my darkroom, and dive back into 35mm analogue photography, I will continue to update this gallery, with less than perfect pictures from my time spent passing through life, often with a camera in my hand and often looking the other way, or forgetting to focus.
My eyes aren’t what they used to be, I have two pairs of glasses now, but my mind works quicker than it should sometimes, and I still see things occasionally as they are, through a squint or holding up my hand to block the prairie sun.
35mm photography isn’t a cheap hobby anymore, and developing your own photos is especially expensive, but money comes into my life now through a thing called the ‘internet’ which wasn’t around when I began taking pictures, or experiencing life, the internet has good things about it and less good aspects, we don’t develop the way we used to.
The internet is an endless wire and if you’re reading this page and reading my words and looking at my pictures, that wire connects me to you – and my pictures to your eyes – but this page won’t be here forever, like us, its just passing through, and what I have seen, and what you have seen will disappear, that used to be why we took photos – to keep them permanently. Nothing is permanent and somebody will get a bag of pictures and a pile of negatives when I die.