Sober – the comedy film shot in Leeds – about to arrive on your screens very soon.

Sober – the comedy film shot in Leeds – about to arrive on your screens very soon.

In coming! Sober (2024) is the new comedy film set in Leeds and starring Tom Gibbons (Funny Cow) and Dean Smith...

Sober - Director Matthew Cooper with Dean Smith and Tom Gibbons

Sober the movie – a new film by Matthew Cooper

‘Sober’ is getting close to being done and myself and the two lead actors and co-writers/producer expect BIG things from the film – its very funny.

Sober – shooting now

A quick update...

From When The Earth To The Shadows Over Innsmouth – Matthew Cooper Director

From When The Earth To The Shadows Over Innsmouth – Matthew Cooper Director

Wow, it’s been a crazy few months – we released my third horror feature film (in as many years) When The Earth Gives Up The Dead free to view on my YouTube Channel on Halloween 2022 – which resulted in over a thousand new subscribers to my channel in less than a month. The other two films in the Sekurig Trilogy were also put free to view on YouTube too.

When The Earth Gives Up The Dead – YouTube release…

When The Earth Gives Up The Dead – YouTube release…

They're here! That's right, my new film 'When The Earth Gives Up The Dead' has landed. The last film in the loose 'Sekurig' series of horror films based on the work of H.P. Lovecraft. Not only has the film landed - its free to view on Halloween 2022.

When The Earth Gives Up The Dead – release date drops on GOTH CHRISTMAS 31st OCT 2022

When The Earth Gives Up The Dead – release date drops on GOTH CHRISTMAS 31st OCT 2022

When the Earth Gives Up the Dead (2022) – directors sleeve notes – part one

My new feature film ‘When the Earth Gives Up the Dead’ (which is the final part of a trilogy of low budget horror films) is due to be released soon.

Heads up! Matthew Cooper director interviewed on The Light on Leeds podcast

Hey, just a quick update – The Light on Leeds podcast recently featured an HOUR LONG interview with yours truly...

Is there a film version of ‘At The Mountains of Madness?’ – YES and you can buy it here!

‘At The Mountains Of Madness’ is horror writer H.P. Lovecraft’s most famous and chilling story – and when it comes...

The Making of the Sekurig Trilogy – check out the new documentary

Hey – this short documentary is worth watching – about the making of the ‘Sekurig’ trilogy – ‘ Markham’ ‘At...