When the Earth Gives up the Dead (2022) – Principle Photography has WRAPPED

When the Earth Gives up the Dead (2022) – Principle Photography has WRAPPED

When the Earth Gives up the Dead (2022) is a wrap – the live action sequences at least are now...

Dark Eyes of London put their focus on Matthew Cooper director

David Dent is a horror and fantasy films critic who has set himself an incredible task of cataloguing every British...

PHASE IV (1974)

My feature debt as a Director confounded a few viewers–  when Markham was released in 2020, it wound up on a...

Tip of the hat to Phil – the genius behind Mad God

After the two low budget horror films Markham and At The Mountains Of Madness one of my upcoming projects requires...

Pre-order ‘At The Mountains of Madness’ (2021) RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!

When super talented Hollywood big shot, Guillermo del Toro put together the proposal to film his long cherished ‘dream project’...

At The Mountains of Madness (2021)- trailer drop

Directed by Matthew Cooper – ‘At the Mountains of Madness’ will be released in July – here’s the first trailer...

At The Mountains of Madness (2021) Rough cut completed

At The Mountains of Madness (2021) Rough cut completed

My second feature film as a director – the micro budget Lovecraft themed ‘At the Mountains of Madness’ had its...

10 films every director needs to see – Matthew Cooper Director

I’m on my third week of post production on my second feature film as a director – ‘At The Mountains...

Matthew Cooper Director

Editing and Post Production on – At The Mountains of Madness – Matthew Cooper Director

I’m one week into post production on my second feature film as a director – ‘At The Mountains of Madness’...

Wrapped – At The Mountains of Madness – Matthew Cooper Director

Boom, about a week ago we wrapped shooting on my new feature length horror film – ‘At The Mountains of...